The Local Support: Collaboration of LMB Cafe & Texas Farmers for Fresh Ingredients

The Local Support: Collaboration of LMB Cafe & Texas Farmers for Fresh Ingredients

The Local Support: Collaboration of LMB Cafe & Texas Farmers for Fresh Ingredients
Welcome back guys for another new blog! Today’s topic is about The Local Support and how La Maison Bleue utilizes Texas farmers for fresh ingredients. One of the unique points at LMB is that we meticulously source fresh ingredients locally from the Texas farmers. We thoroughly enjoy the camaraderie with the local people and community as well as the organic agriculture, let me tell you more about it below!

Choosing the Right Farmers

The general decision-making when it comes to choosing farmers to work with at LMB is quite personal and based on trust within the community. We usually get our clientele and customers through word of mouth and from our food network. Everything is about communication with business; if we create a new variation of a tea drink, we often consult the food network we already have. This way, we are then able to work with farmers who are like-minded and who are willing to deliver quality produce.

Momo Calipico: Our base is peaches from Hamm's Orchid. Calipico, Topo Chico, and topped off with a peaches from the mountains of Japan. (Wakamomo)


Seasonal and Diverse Ingredients

As the seasons change, so do our ingredients and menu here at LMB, which in essence provides our cafe with a robust, dynamic, versatile and rich menu. I would like to give a shoutout to Hamm’s Orchid, anyone reading this right now, just know Hamm’s Orchid is arguably the epitome of quality peaches in Texas! Many of the ingredients we use to prepare our products are sourced locally here in North Texas such as lavender, strawberries and of course peaches. We serve only the best and freshest produce available from the farms in our area to our customers :)

Why Hamm's Orchid and Profound Foods?

The choice for the particular farms, well, as I mentioned LMB focuses mainly on quality and reliability. Hamm’s Orchid as aforementioned is just one of the many spots here in North Texas, as a business owner, you have got to keep it up with Texas and locals, the farm is revered by many and the produce is of impeccable quality, this is a good fit for our cafe. In addition to this we also work closely with Profound Foods, as they serve various markets, cafes and restaurants in North Texas, they specialize in hydroponics, land crops and distribution which proves their credibility.

Our Summer Peach Tea made with peaches from Hamm's Orchid

Supporting the Local Community

With this blog guys I just wanted to exhibit our genuine intention to support the local farmers and help society in the best way possible to the best of our aptitude. You know I thought about what made us want to support the local community and here is what I gathered from my cogitations:

Firstly it's local, secondly the community and thirdly we just detest big corporations and businesses who poison people for the sake of profits only. These days I could argue that we are essentially being fed 3-D printed food, it's horrid and mortifying. Sourcing food locally is based on the creed and trust that fresh locally sourced food is better than anything coming from a business who is precarious about where the produce arrives from.

At the end of the day, we are a little business but our asset is that we have more versatility and can cover the gaps with greater velocity than the big companies. Only difference is we do not possess as large of a capital, however with your help and support we will surely get there! I hope you enjoyed today's reading, see you on the next one!


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